Friday, February 1, 2013

emotionally exhausted

Well, I've now done 5 chapters of my workbook, and I have to admit, I'm learning alot, both about the recovery process and about myself.

I had to take a break yesterday from the book, just cause my mind was so overwhelmed with all of it.  Going back and rereading my last post about everything that's been going on in my head really shows me alot.

I've even gone through all my positive affirmation cards that I'm made over the years, and gotten a few out and put them where I can see them regularly.

I think that restarting my recovery process this time, it's not like I'm having second thoughts; I'm just realizing how much I really have to work on to be where I want to be in my life.

Of course, the fact that I'm not sleeping well at night does not help the cause.  Yeah, I'm getting about 8 hours of sleep a night, but the fact that I can take my sleeping meds as early at 7pm, and STILL be awake til 4am is getting beyond frustrating.

I know this is the hard part of recovering.  I know, just starting therapy, it's very easy to be positive after a session, but when that wears off, I know I can experience some definitely lows.

Yes, yes, I know it takes practice to stay positive on a daily basis.  I'm certainly looking forward to my next appt on Monday afternoon.


  1. You haven't posted for several weeks. What happened at your last therapy appt.? How are you doing?

  2. Therapy has been good, tho definitely more exhausting.
    I'm going over my entire relationship with Jeremy, and making myself notice both good and bad parts.
    I decided to not write in here as much, cause I realized I was using this blog to mainly get comments from friends, sharing my blog on facebook, stuff like that.
    I've since started just a plain notebook where I can write out my thoughts, however crazy they may be, and I'm finding it a much better release than a formal blog on here.
    Thanks for checking in; it means alot. :)

  3. I'm glad you're doing well. Keep on doing whatever works for you. I won't worry if you don't post on your blog. I understand. I started posting more regularly on my blog. Then after a few posts I got overwhelmed with life and just didn't see my blog as any big priority. My blog resumed being my 'if I have extra time' activity. I haven't had any time to spare lately.
